Adopción de Remo
¡Adoptado! el
- Nombre Remo
- Especie Perro
- Desde 20-11-2020
- Sexo Macho
- Edad 6 años y 4 meses
- fecha de nacimiento 10/2018
- Raza Galgo
- Tamaño Grande
- Peso 22kg
- Localidad Sevilla (Sevilla)
- ID 876
Recibimos un aviso de un galgo abandonado en un pueblo de Sevilla y acudimos a buscarlo. Volvimos con dos, Remo y Rómulo.
Remo no tenía chip.
Al principio se asustaba un poco pero luego es muy simpático y amistoso.
No es compatible con gatos.
We received a help request for a abandoned galgo in a town near Sevilla and we went there to get it.
We came back with two galgos! Remo and Rómulo (Remus and Romulus)
At the beginning Remo was a bit scared and it was no too easy to catch him. Now he is very amusing and friendly.
He is not cat safe.
Remo no tenía chip.
Al principio se asustaba un poco pero luego es muy simpático y amistoso.
No es compatible con gatos.
We received a help request for a abandoned galgo in a town near Sevilla and we went there to get it.
We came back with two galgos! Remo and Rómulo (Remus and Romulus)
At the beginning Remo was a bit scared and it was no too easy to catch him. Now he is very amusing and friendly.
He is not cat safe.